Our purpose is to make healthcare more accessible in the region and our vision is to build a healthier future for Asia with our employees, clients and customers.
Our four major pillars serve as our foundation to embody and integrate healthcare sustainability in everything we do and drive long-term value for the business and our stakeholders.

Improving Health Outcomes

Spearheading better health accessibility to the communities we serve as the heart of our operations.

  • Access to Healthcare 
  • Access to Innovation
  • Community Empowerment
  • Equitable Healthcare Systems
zuellig pharma sustainble way to improve healthcare outcomes

Nurturing Talent

Creating an inclusive and safe work environment to empower employees to reach their best potential.

  • Talent Development & Engagement
  • Workplace Health, Safety & Wellbeing
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Labour Practices & Human Rights

Respecting the Environment

Acting on climate impact by reducing carbon footprint, aligning to international best practices & guidelines, and influencing climate action in our supply chain.

  • Climate Governance
  • Climate Change Mitigation
  • Circular Waste Management
  • Environmental Preservation
zuellig pharma respecting pharmaceutical and sustainable environment

Setting the Highest Standards of Integrity

Fostering a strong and vibrant culture of quality and compliance with a focus on ensuring patient safety.

  • Patient Safety
  • Supply Chain Security
  • Data Governance & Security
  • Responsible Procurement
  • Ethical Business Conduct
zuellig pharma setting highest standard of sustainable healthcare integrity